Author’s Log 3005.20

Since the manuscript for A Fool’s Errand went off to my editor, I think I’ve gone crazy only three times so far. I don’t have many finger nails left either 🙂 In truth after a couple of weeks of pretending I wasn’t a writer, I have been busy reading the book on my kindle app,…

Since the manuscript for A Fool’s Errand went off to my editor, I think I’ve gone crazy only three times so far. I don’t have many finger nails left either 🙂

In truth after a couple of weeks of pretending I wasn’t a writer, I have been busy reading the book on my kindle app, to get a feel for it after a break, and more importantly dug book two out of the cupboard, and started back on it.

I’ve also been planning out a new podcast I am starting all about the process I’ve been through and I’ll talk more about how my first draft became two books in an episode of that. Stay tuned for that.

I’ve been applying the processes I developed through the editing of A Fool’s Errand to put the nearly 90,000 words of book two into shape, and revisiting some characters I introduced there whom I love.

I have three weeks messing about on this before I get the original manuscript back and then it will be a race to get the book ready for my beta readers and proof reader.

I’ve been starting to look at some of the marketing strategies for the launch in September, and while I won’t be making a huge fuss of it, I’ll be wanting to get it out there.

Current plan is a September launch and then April 1 launch for book 2.

Key Work of Late:

  • Reviewing Book 2 manuscript
  • Outlining the existing book 2 manuscript and filling in some of the missing elements
  • Reviewing character profiles and the map
  • Sending off a brief for the book 2 cover
  • Working out when I’ll release the map and cover for book 1